People have believed that there is more to the world than meets the eye. Behind the outward, material appearance of things there is sensed something inward, immaterial and usually invisible. To tell the truth I also having a hard time believing this unearthly things, I tried to separate my self with such eerie matters. But we cannot deny their existence they are part of earth's creation and they take a place in our everyday life and experiences.
I grew in Manila, a civilized city here in the Philippines where you wouldn't expect that creepy things exist in here, but we do know that a man cannot invent anything which he didn't know, you know that it exist because you believe eh? y/n?
I wont just tell a story related with this, and its not just to tell a story from a story teller ( or wherever i found such stories ) but instead to share my own perceptions about it, to navigate the ghostly world of unbounded spectral encounters. To define the myth and facts behind stories, also to entertain and let you believe, let you make you're judgements and of course, to make you chill wherever you sit.