People always seem to find a good days to make fun of. Nevertheless, we usually gone for something we are not sure of. We pretend to be happy with everything we work and we get busy with, but the meaning isn't there and sometimes we know it that we do nothing but just a matter of lame.
I have to admit that I had spend my days for lust. I make my self busy doing unimportant things, and I think that is because I'm here as a teenage lost in nowhere. As I pass through many days, I'm starting to realize how I became a piece of junk dragged to streets of junkies.
I'm starting to stop doing things which I ought to do for many times. Many times with just the same folks and folklores of endlessness myths. I hate doing things allover but then I didn't get to discover this for many times I played every games.
And now how I wish to call for something meaningful more relevant and full of sense...
Until I didn't have this meaningful thing I wouldn't stop asking why? and what.
Can Anyone give me a hint?